Friday, January 22, 2021

No one is Perfect is this world. We should change our mind to build ourself πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘†

Don't wait for perfection. Start Now. 

When we have dreams,  we have a passion. When we have a passion, we want to do it with perfection. Often, when we have some goals, we want to start it with a blast. We want to become an overnight star. We want to achieve best as soon as possible....

Your determination determines your destiny. 

What is your dream life? What kind of destiny you want to create for yourself? At one point, we have a clue what it could be. However, it keeps changing with the time. We tend to have another dream or goals just because the earlier one seems impossible to achieve.

“My life is full of problems. When I resolve one thing, I found myself in another difficulty. Ohh God!! Why it’s always me?” This is how we keep saying about obstacles in life. We grow up playing around favourable and unfavourable conditions in life. Unless everything is going as per...

My life is full of problems. When I resolve one thing, I found myself in another difficulty. Ohh God!! Why it’s always me?” This is how we keep saying about obstacles in life. We grow up playing around favourable and unfavourable conditions in life. Unless everything is going as per...

In this world everyone has talent. But not everyone use it. 

In this world, people belong to three categories: Who has talent – (Everyone has) Who knows they have talent. – (Some of us knows) Who actually use their talent – (Only a few qualify here) When we are young and finishing our education, we knows what makes us alive. We...

Take the first step farword to your dreams 

When we realize our dreams, life asks us to do something about it. Then, it is essential to take the first step toward your dream journey. However, the hardest part of journey is this first step. What is the first step for you? Let me clear one thing. The first.

What inspires you to follow your dreams? Everything we do in life, we do for rewards. Reward is anything given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement. There are two kinds of rewards: Internal Rewards and External Rewards. External Rewards An external or extrinsic reward comes from external source. It...

Keep yourself motivated 

We all know the power of motivation. When we are motivated, we experience such a powerful self that no dream is too big for us. Do you remember when you heard an inspiring story and instantly felt full of motivation?  At that time, you must have a desire to do...


  1. Yesss..we want more motivational speech sirπŸ™‚

    1. Excuse me yaar. Now what problem uhh have???????
      By the way it is running by my friend soo plzz try to avoid urhh comments to him which full of urh frustration. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

