Saturday, January 23, 2021

Nobody is perfect in this world. Just get hope and keep on struggle πŸ’―πŸ’―

Nobody is perfect:

Nobody in this world is perfect and if can understand this fact then we wouldn’t hurt either others or ourselves by expecting a lot of perfection from others. Perfection isn’t an act like excellence it’s a habit, but we find perfect people not very often, but we have to learn to deal with people not very perfect (including ourselves). So, this post is about interacting with them

We always expect others to be perfect assuming that we are perfect, but a perfect person never considers himself as perfect and expect the same from others. We might miss a lot of creativity if we just focus on becoming a perfect person because it is well said that – there are a lot of possibilities in the mind of a beginner than in the mind of an expert. So, it is not always fetching to be a perfect person rather we need to strive for perfection and be a life long learner, learning new crafts each and every day.

The Best way to avoid this trap of being perfect and expecting perfection from others is through awareness and below two techniques

  • Look for positives in others
  • Look for negatives more carefully in yourself

The best way to treat others is to treat them like gold mines, you find a lot of dirt before dig a little Gold from them. – Andrew Carnegie (from You can Win book)
The only thing which an ordinary person does is looking for negatives in others and to start criticizing them in addition 

to that, looking for positives in self and boasting a lot of those positive qualities. The above actions are very dangerous because we develop bad relationships with others and will develop enemies for us, along with that we develop a lot of pride which will never allow us to learn something new which way we may never grow in our life.
If we start doing the vice versa of above and that is to look for positives in others and self-criticism or negatives in self then we develop great friends and others as we always motivate them and at the same time we become an outstanding student learning from our mistakes and start to correct them one by one which makes us perfect one or the other day.

A Personality Exercise:

Make it a habit from today, to start analyzing the best qualities from others, learn to inculcate those positive habits from them and in an ideal situation tell people about their positives because it makes them really happy and improves your relationship with them.(don’t try to flatter instead give a genuine appreciation).

  1. Start counting the positives in others.
  2. Learn to inculcate those habits
  3. Tell them their positives once which will make them feel happy and improve your relationship with them.