Sunday, January 24, 2021

Top 10 Motivational Speakers of Pakistan


Nowadays lots of motivational speakers in Pakistan. Some have great content and videos to inspire people, and some are just trying to get fame. Words have a lot of power, and they are essential in our life. Many motivational speakers in Pakistan share their experiences with you and encourage you with words. These motivational speakers improve our mindset, grow our lifestyle and change our ways of thinking and encourage us to set new goals. These motivational speakers force us to change our lives. From words, these all speakers insist us to set a goal and teach that never be afraid to lose. So here is the list of top ten motivational speakers of Pakistan.

Top 10 Motivational Speakers of Pakistan:


Qasim Ali Shah

Qasim Ali Shah is one of the top motivational speakers of Pakistan. He has changed the lives of many people with his motivational speeches. Qasim Ali Shah is a motivational speaker as well as a Public speaker, Teacher, Writer, Consultant Coach, Corporate Trainer, and leader. He was born on December 25, 1980, in a small town of Gujrat, Punjab. He has written many books on success and self-discovery. Some of his famous books are listed below.

Books of Qasim Ali Shah

  • Kamiyabi Ka Paigham – How to become successful
  • Zara Num Ho-  Quotes and motivational verses
  • Apka Bhi Kamiyab Ho Sakta Hai – Complete Guide For Parents
  • Bari Manzil Ka Musafir – Success
  • Apni Talash – Self Discovery

Qaiser Abbas

Qaiser Abbas is one of the best motivational speakers of Pakistan. He is known to work with the top global gurus like Dave Ulrich and Marshal Gold Smith. His name is second in Pakistan’s top motivational speakers. He is the premium motivational speaker and coach of Pakistan. But he got more fame because of their books and he is a very kind-hearted person and the purpose of his life to serving the people.

Books of Qaisar Abbas

  • Sir Utha Kay Jiyo – Self Believe, Success
  • Shabash Tum Kar Sakty Ho – Who’s Struggle In Life
  • Tick Tick Dollar – 14 Principles For Peak Performance
  • Outclass Team – Secret Of Building High-Performance team.

Umair Jaliawala

Umair Jaliawala is the best trainer and motivational speaker of Pakistan. His passion is to encourage people. But by profession, he is an entrepreneur. His worldwide relationship and regional action have helped him meet up with global consulting organisations. As a coach, Umair learns marketing, spirituality, philosophy and psychology. His sessions are a roller-coaster trip of awareness, audio-visual content, training and simulations.

Expertise of Umair Jaliawala

  • Marketing conversion
  • Restraint and turnaround
  • Integration
  • Growth plan
  • M-A Transaction support

Hammad Safi

Meet the youngest Motivational Speaker of Pakistan, Hammad Safi, and his age is just 11. He is the world youngest motivational speaker, and he lives in Mohmand Agency – FATA. So his nickname is Nanha professor. He says I am not a motivational speaker; I am inspirational speakers, Writer, and blogger; he is encouraging people that nothing is complicated in this world. I can do it so you also can perform it. He is the inspirational model of every young kid.

Expertise of Hammad Safi. 

  • Youngest Motivational Speaker
  • Youngest Freelancer
  • Youngest TV Anchor
  • Youngest blogger

Shaykh Atif Ahmad

Shaykh Atif Ahmed also a Motivational speaker in Pakistan. And he is now the CEO of AL-MIDRAR Institute, where he guides principles of management of science, motive which is trying in life, he’s talking about the story, religious economics. He is also a religious scholar, and he finishes his Aalim Din fro Mahad ul Quran in Karachi. Shaykh Atif Ahmed finishes studied from the University of Huston, and he is also serving as head of economics in pioneer abroad. He inspires the young generation through his motivational speeches. Their words have a lot of power, and they encourage the young age that nothing is difficult, anyone else can so you can also.

Zaydan Khan

Zaydan Khan is the also a Pakistani Motivational Speaker. He was born in Quetta, Balochistan and done his graduation degree from Buitems university Quetta. Aizan Development is a foundation of human rights, and he is the training and development manager of this foundation. He is also a trainer of school leadership and the founder of ODY organization for the development of youth. Zaydan is also a brand ambassador for several clothing businesses and a cafe. In addition, he is also a model and has worked in many Pakistani films.

Muniba Mazari

Muniba Mazari is the name of talent; she is a multi-talented. She is a Pakistani artist, model, activist, motivational speaker, singer, social reformer and television host. When she was 21, she and her husband driving to somewhere in Balochistan and had met a critical accident. This accident caused a permanent disability in her life. But she didn’t allow this weakness to come in front of the world and because of this, she is famous all over the world. She is also the national ambassador for UN Women Pakistan.

Sadaqat Ali

Sadaqat Ali was born in Lahore, Pakistan. He did his intermediate from Government College Lahore in pre-medical and then joined DOW medical college in Karachi, for more studies. He got recognition in the area of Addiction Counseling. He is also a famous motivational speaker in Pakistan.

Shahid Ullah

Shahid Ullah is a famous motivational speaker and was born Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. He did his graduation in BE-Electrical Engineering and also have training certificate. Shahid Ullah has been linked with training and teaching students of different schools, colleges and professional institutes since 2012. He gives the training of personality grooming, soft skills, ethics and education.

Tanzila Khan

Tanzila khan is the leading female motivational speaker in Pakistan. She is an inspirational speaker in possession of a multi-dimensional personality. She is also a writer and wrote the novelette “The story of Mexico”, a cross-cultural novel in England and Mexico.  

What do you want to do with your life?

What do you want to do with your life?

 It’s a question almost everyone asks themselves. It’s also a question I don’t believe you should bother asking in the first place.

“I don’t know what I want to do in life, all I know is that it isn’t this.”

That was the sentiment a friend reflected to me. She’s in her mid-twenties, smart, savvy and hard working. But she is still stuck working jobs that don’t hover much beyond minimum wage. Every year, she tells me, that she applies for Universities, but never goes through with it. Why? Because she can’t answer that question.

Passion Evolves

I worry a lot of people fall into the same trap. The trap of believing that they need to make big life decisions before they can start doing anything. The trap that you need to be born with a passion. And the lie that being able to combine your interests with a profession is easy.

When people ask me what I’m going to be doing in five or ten years, I usually tell them I’m going to be an entrepreneur. “Oh. What’s your business going to be?” I have reason to believe this internet business could be it. Between revenues and freelance work I’m expecting to make about ten thousand dollars this year. Concentrated effort for the next four or five years could definitely make this a livable income.

But I don’t usually say that. Because it isn’t the point. In all honesty, I have no idea where I am going to be in a decade. My track record shows that my passions have evolved considerably, even over the last couple years.

Ben Casnocha, the 19-year old CEO of Comcate, shows how his passion didn’t start with a flash of insight, in the book My Start Up Life:

“It didn’t start with a dream. It didn’t start with in a garage. It didn’t even start with an innovative epiphany, which are perhaps entrepreneurs’ most overplayed recollections.” He continues, relating the story of Jerry Kaplan’s epiphany moment in Kaplan’s book, Start Up. To which Ben adds, “I wish my epiphany were as primal. It wasn’t, and most aren’t.” [emphasis mine]

As Ben shares his story of being a teenage CEO, it becomes clear that his passion evolved. There were interests in entrepreneurship and making a difference. But from these interests, he made smaller steps, each building a passion. I don’t believe his journey ever started with deciding what he wanted to do with his life.

Replace Decision with Curiosity

Instead of making definite decisions about a career path, I believe you should get curious. Get curious about the way the world works. Notice your own interests and find small ways you can exercise passion in something. Even if you can’t find a way to make money off of it yet.

The bridge from passion to money-maker can’t be made hastily. Interests often get discarded because they cannot be immediately relayed into a source of income. And therefore aren’t as important as work that does.

Blogging is a great example. I know many bloggers who want to go pro. They want to take the interest they have and turn it into a passionate source of income. But blogging isn’t easy. Even the most rapid successes I’ve seen, took over a year before the author could claim blogging as more than a hobby. And those were due to writing talent, luck and an incredible amount of work.

Patience is a necessary ingredient in evolving a passion. But even more, you need to be open to other possibilities.

Interest to Income Isn’t a Straight Path

80% of new businesses fail in the first five years. But more interesting, is that of the 20% that succeeded, most didn’t do so in the way they had expected to.

Before setting up his immensely popular website, Steve Pavlina believed he would make most his revenue through products and workshops. But close to five years later, he makes all of it from advertising and affiliate sales. A revenue prospect he downplayed when making his business plan.

Similarly, I don’t believe that most people’s passions follow a straight path. Scott Adams began with a degree in economics and a position in a bank and now he is the successful cartoonist who created Dilbert.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Nobody is perfect in this world. Just get hope and keep on struggle πŸ’―πŸ’―

Nobody is perfect:

Nobody in this world is perfect and if can understand this fact then we wouldn’t hurt either others or ourselves by expecting a lot of perfection from others. Perfection isn’t an act like excellence it’s a habit, but we find perfect people not very often, but we have to learn to deal with people not very perfect (including ourselves). So, this post is about interacting with them

We always expect others to be perfect assuming that we are perfect, but a perfect person never considers himself as perfect and expect the same from others. We might miss a lot of creativity if we just focus on becoming a perfect person because it is well said that – there are a lot of possibilities in the mind of a beginner than in the mind of an expert. So, it is not always fetching to be a perfect person rather we need to strive for perfection and be a life long learner, learning new crafts each and every day.

The Best way to avoid this trap of being perfect and expecting perfection from others is through awareness and below two techniques

  • Look for positives in others
  • Look for negatives more carefully in yourself

The best way to treat others is to treat them like gold mines, you find a lot of dirt before dig a little Gold from them. – Andrew Carnegie (from You can Win book)
The only thing which an ordinary person does is looking for negatives in others and to start criticizing them in addition 

to that, looking for positives in self and boasting a lot of those positive qualities. The above actions are very dangerous because we develop bad relationships with others and will develop enemies for us, along with that we develop a lot of pride which will never allow us to learn something new which way we may never grow in our life.
If we start doing the vice versa of above and that is to look for positives in others and self-criticism or negatives in self then we develop great friends and others as we always motivate them and at the same time we become an outstanding student learning from our mistakes and start to correct them one by one which makes us perfect one or the other day.

A Personality Exercise:

Make it a habit from today, to start analyzing the best qualities from others, learn to inculcate those positive habits from them and in an ideal situation tell people about their positives because it makes them really happy and improves your relationship with them.(don’t try to flatter instead give a genuine appreciation).

  1. Start counting the positives in others.
  2. Learn to inculcate those habits
  3. Tell them their positives once which will make them feel happy and improve your relationship with them.

Top 10 motivational lines for status and about.

 Life changing articles

  1. Average Doesn’t Mean Secure.  Just because it’s common, that doesn’t mean it’s not risky. Many people fall into the misconception that if a lot of people are doing something, it must be the safest path.
  2. Walk Slowly So You Don’t Trip. The more time you give yourself to complete a goal, the more likely you’ll achieve it. By undertaking new goals with deliberate slowness, you increase the chance you can achieve lasting success.
  3. How to Discover What You’re Passionate About. Enjoying playing video games isn’t the same as spending thousands of hours designing your own.  Your passion has to be something you would work exceptionally hard for. So what do you do, if there is nothing you feel that engaged about?
  4. What Do You Want to Do With Your Life? What do you want to do with your life? It’s a question almost everyone asks themselves. It’s also a question I don’t believe you should bother asking in the first place.
  5. The Zen of Folding Laundry, and Other Thoughts on Happiness. How to stop resisting life and accept things.
  6. Overcoming the Frustration Barrier. When is the last time you went ballroom dancing, made a speech, learned a new language, took up karate or even cooked a new exotic food? When was the last time you did something out of your comfort zone?
  7. You Suck. Get Over It. Life isn’t a steady escalator. Sometimes getting better requires that you first get a lot worse. If you can’t admit to yourself that you suck at something, chances are it will hold you back from future improvements.
  8. The Quickest Route is Usually the Boldest. What’s a faster way to become a great public speaker: works slowly, giving a small speech every month, or finding the time and courage to tackle a big crowd every day. Tony Robbins, perhaps one of the world’s best known public speakers gave three speeches a day when he was starting out.
  9. How to Stop Making Excuses. How often do you catch yourself making excuses? Instead of doing something, you come up with ways to explain your inaction?
  10. Sprinting Theory: How to Have Self-Discipline on Steroids. Using this concept has been incredibly useful in breaking through my own laziness

Friday, January 22, 2021

No one is Perfect is this world. We should change our mind to build ourself πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘†

Don't wait for perfection. Start Now. 

When we have dreams,  we have a passion. When we have a passion, we want to do it with perfection. Often, when we have some goals, we want to start it with a blast. We want to become an overnight star. We want to achieve best as soon as possible....

Your determination determines your destiny. 

What is your dream life? What kind of destiny you want to create for yourself? At one point, we have a clue what it could be. However, it keeps changing with the time. We tend to have another dream or goals just because the earlier one seems impossible to achieve.

“My life is full of problems. When I resolve one thing, I found myself in another difficulty. Ohh God!! Why it’s always me?” This is how we keep saying about obstacles in life. We grow up playing around favourable and unfavourable conditions in life. Unless everything is going as per...

My life is full of problems. When I resolve one thing, I found myself in another difficulty. Ohh God!! Why it’s always me?” This is how we keep saying about obstacles in life. We grow up playing around favourable and unfavourable conditions in life. Unless everything is going as per...

In this world everyone has talent. But not everyone use it. 

In this world, people belong to three categories: Who has talent – (Everyone has) Who knows they have talent. – (Some of us knows) Who actually use their talent – (Only a few qualify here) When we are young and finishing our education, we knows what makes us alive. We...

Take the first step farword to your dreams 

When we realize our dreams, life asks us to do something about it. Then, it is essential to take the first step toward your dream journey. However, the hardest part of journey is this first step. What is the first step for you? Let me clear one thing. The first.

What inspires you to follow your dreams? Everything we do in life, we do for rewards. Reward is anything given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement. There are two kinds of rewards: Internal Rewards and External Rewards. External Rewards An external or extrinsic reward comes from external source. It...

Keep yourself motivated 

We all know the power of motivation. When we are motivated, we experience such a powerful self that no dream is too big for us. Do you remember when you heard an inspiring story and instantly felt full of motivation?  At that time, you must have a desire to do...

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Thursday, January 21, 2021

How to live a Inspirational life. Motivational articles through world Best speakers

How To Live An Inspired Life

To lead an inspired life does not require courage as much as it requires an important lack of discipline!  Too much discipline makes you willing to lead an uninspired life of dreary drudgery.  Too much discipline permits you to live a life of perspiration without inspiration, which feels pretty pointless.

To lead an inspired life does require making the choice to do so.  Then, when you make your to-do lists, consider all of the things that you need to do until you come upon the one thing that you feel truly inspired to do right now.

Inspiration is connected with joy.  The sign that you are leading an inspired life in the present is that you are feeling joy in what you are doing right now. 

To lead an inspired life requires an experimental attitude toward life.  The experiment you are making is basing your life on inspiration to see if you can actually get away with it.  You can't know a priori if the inspired life is really impossible because there is no practicality to it.

There is, in fact, practicality in the inspired life because practicality is inspiring.  Just pay attention to how you truly feel as you consider what is happening in your life and you will find yourself feeling totally inspired to do your taxes, make a sales call, clean your toilet, text or call a hurtful person to handle a practical matter that involves that person.

Inspiration is all a matter of timing.  There really is a season for everything.  Inspiration tells you when a season for doing something has come and gone.  When you do what inspires you a positive feeling wells up from within you.  This feeling tells you that now is the time for doing what you are doing.

Inspired living is the opposite of fearful living.  Every choice that's made from fear saps our inspiration for living.  When we have no inspiration left, we feel like dying.

Experiencing a profound disappointment can sap our inspiration to go on living.

When inspiration is entirely dissipated, just wait.  Relax.  Rest.  Naturally and without any effort on your part the inspiration will return.  As you make choices that fill you with inspiration you lose your blues.  All day long you are presented with a constant flow of opportunities to feed your soul with inspiration. 

Every moment you have a choice to make.  You can choose to think, say, or do that which feeds your inspiration and to avoid those thoughts, conversations and actions that cause your inspiration to die a little or a lot.

Right now, this very instant, you can be guided by your sense of inspiration to fill your life with more inspiration.  Look for the feeling of inspiration deep within to guide you and it will reveal its guiding light.  If you don't know what else to do take a few slow, deep breaths, imagining with each inhale that you are breathing in the joyous, loving energy of inspiration.  As your breath reaches its peak imagine inspiration filling you.  As you exhale imagine yourself expressing, radiating, sharing your inspiration with the world.

You are not bound by your obligations, responsibilities or necessities.  Wherever you are, in a prison or in a palace, you are free to find and to follow your own inspirational path right now.  Simply making that choice is how to lead an inspired life.